Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Script-Central Special Edition v8n1

Script-Central Special Edition v8n1 for the Apple IIGS was released in December 2023.

This is the fifth issue of Script-Central Special Edition. It was distributed as a 32 MB ProDOS volume and includes new HyperCard IIGS stacks and updated versions of GSOS SplashColor, Xmas Display '23, the Apple II Technical Notes stack, HyperTuneMaker, and Word.Fu.

 Highlights of the issue, which had a heavy focus on fonts, include:

- An updated version of GSOS Splash Color, a stack that allows the splash screen of System 5.04, 6.0.1 and 6.0.4 to be set to different colors than the default periwinkle blue.

- Words games Word.Fu and GuessWords

- Updated versions of the Xmas.Display and HyperTuneMaker stacks with a number of new features.

- An Apple II Technotes stack that is modeled after Apple's Mac Technotes stack but includes all Apple II technical notes, file type notes, and Human Interface Notes.

- Useful font stacks Font Viewer 3.0 and ShowFont, and an improved version of the List.Fonts command

- Apple's TrueType Info stack converted from Mac HyperCard and enhanced.

- An American Sign Language stack converted from HyperStudio (IIGS)

- Instructions for converting HyperStudio (IIGS) stacks to HyperCard, including graphics and sound effects

- A new stack for documenting and demonstrating HCGS bugs - BugTracker

- Many TrueType fonts that Apple originally released only for the Mac are included in the issue's Extras folder.

It can be downloaded for free from the Silverwand Software site at

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